Read Part 1 from last month
For this week’s art update we want to focus on the addition of plant racks to the Greenhouse. We have designed a rather intricate rack system for holding and watering the plants. There will be four rows of plants along the length of the Greenhouse, as shown in the screenshot below.
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The middle rows feature raised sections that can be lowered in order to access the plants above. Water is piped through the floor and into containers at the base of each rack, which is then pumped up the poles to be sprayed onto the plants. The plant containers on the racks can be removed and arranged with different sizes to accommodate different plants. They can even be removed and brought back for examination.
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We plan on adding many different kinds of plants and allowing the player to interact with them. In the coming weeks we will work on adding the lighting, ventilation, and research equipment to fill the rest of the space. There’s still plenty left to do, but we are quite pleased with the look of the Greenhouse thus far.