Extra Credits

Credits Due: Extra Credits 2 - Spooky Stories, Fantastic Four, Dungeon and Dragons


Topics Discussed:
Spooking Stories
Fantastic Four comic book return
Batman Damned #1
The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe book
Dungeons & Dragons

Follow Ben on Twitter at @CroghanMaster. Follow Neil on Twitter at @dinoneilman. Tyler on Twitter at @TylerOwen and find his game at randomseedgames.com.

Follow Credits Due on Twitter at @CreditsDuePod and on Instagram at @CreditsDuePod

Email any questions at creditsduepodcast@gmail.com

Join us in two weeks for a brand new season discussing Julianne Moore and NINE MONTHS

Credits Due: Extra Credits - Thor: Ragnarok, Pandemic: Legacy, MoviePass, and Game Night



To fill in the gap between seasons, Tyler and Ben got together to discuss a few things.

Topics discussed:
Thor: Ragnarok
Pandemic: Legacy
Digital Health
Balancing Entertainment Time and Raising a One-Year Old
Game Night

Follow Ben on Twitter at @CroghanMaster. Follow Neil on Twitter at @dinoneilman. Tyler on Twitter at @TylerOwen and find his game at randomseedgames.com.

Email any thoughts and questions at creditsduepodcast@gmail.com

Join us in two weeks for our next episode and a NEW season talking about Anton Yelchin and CHARLIE BARTLETT.